艾米丽Halfmann ?25







音乐剧 and Directing



艾米丽Halfmann ’25 spent a majority of her childhood participating in community 剧院. She now 执行s with the bv伟德ios下载赞美诗 and in a variety of Carthage 剧院 productions — ranging from student-directed scenes and devised pieces, to j项 and mainstage 音乐als.

Emily is also the recipient of the Visual and Performing 艺术 Scholarship as well as multiple endowed scholarships in the 音乐 and 剧院 departments. She believes receiving these scholarships has made it possible for her to spend more time on broadening and diversifying her scope of study.

Learn about Carthage’s 音乐al 剧院 program


“的 wonderful thing about Carthage is that there are many different types of 执行ance opportunities, so if you don’t get cast in a show right away, there are other opportunities to audition and 执行 within the department.”



“I chose Carthage because I am able to pair the strong 音乐剧 Program with other degrees to create a diverse major and minor set. I am passionate about a wide variety of subjects, and being able to pursue multiple of them in higher education was very important to me. Carthage’s j项 study abroad program also caught my attention as someone who really wanted to travel going into college.”


“的 faculty are one of the main reasons I chose to come to Carthage. 的 小班授课 allow for a personal connection and relationship with intructors. I have formed strong professional relationships with my professors, which has led to many opportunities I would not have had otherwise. Knowing someone is looking out for you and has your back is also so helpful.”


“I really loved taking Ballet I. I went into it hesitant and sure that I would have a hard time or wouldn’t enjoy the rigid structure of the 跳舞 style. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Jenny Reed, the instructor, taught at a level and speed that met the diverse needs of the class. I greatly enjoyed how I was able to take what I needed from the class as someone with limited 跳舞 experience.”


“Music 的ory has been my most challenging class at Carthage so far because it incorporates 音乐 and math, an area of growth for me. 幸运的是, I got help from the tutor assigned to the course to further my understanding of the material.”


“My first year at Carthage, I ran on the women’s cross country and track and field teams. It was a great way to get involved right away. 的 team and coaches were so supportive, and I really enjoyed the opportunity to run and race with people who love running like me! I also sang with the bv伟德ios下载赞美诗 for two years, which allowed me to be involved with the Christmas Festival! I also serve as the 音乐al 剧院 faculty fellow for the department, which allows me to spend time talking to prospective students and their families!”

Golden opportunities

“I had the great fortune to travel to the Kennedy Center American College 的atre Festival in Flint, Michigan as well as Killarney and Dublin, 爱尔兰 with the cast of  “Memento Mori.” As part of the 的atre Department’s 新游戏倡议, 剧本写好了, 发达, and 执行ed by the cast and crew in partnership with the West End House School of 艺术 in Killarney, 爱尔兰. 在爱尔兰, we also had the opportunity to take courses in Irish 的atre, 观光, and learn about 爱尔兰 on our own time.”

Internships or campus employment

“我为……工作 Office of Visual and Performing 艺术 as one of the co-student recital coordinators. 我的工作, along with the Student Recitals Team, is to coordinate all logistical and planning aspects of all student recitals on campus. It is a great opportunity to develop skills in arts management, making me more marketable as an employee, with a diverse variety of both front- and back-of-house experience.”


“It is my hope to work in applied 剧院 after graduation in some form of drama therapy or 剧院 education.”

Favorite spot on campus

“Behind 的 Caf by the ! It is nice and quiet back there, and I can take a quick breather before heading off to class!”

Advice for other students in your major?

“准备好工作! You are given many opportunities to involve yourself in the department, 执行, and receive and give feedback. 带他们! Say yes again and again, and you will grow as a 执行er and professional because you will have a rich bank of experience to draw from.”